AI and journalism: je t'aime, moi nonplus...

The deployment of tools such as ChatGPT has democratized the instant production of content, and many journalists are wondering about the future of their profession, which is both facilitated and threatened. "No digital transformation is without consequences". That's what RobStones, CEO of the Onclusive group, said after announcing that more than 50% of its workforce in France would be replaced by artificial intelligence (AI). Onclusive is not a [...]

Experts: Savings, where to find them? - 05/03

Gilles Raveaud, Senior Lecturer at the Institut d'Études Européennes de Paris-8 Saint-Denis, Patrick Arthus, Economic Advisor at Natixis, and Philippe Manière, President of Vae Solis Communications, gave their views on how to find the famous ten billion euros in savings required by the decree cancelling appropriations that was published in the Journal Officiel, in the [...] programme.