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Analysis & Opinion

Strategic watches

Studies (local/national) and diagnostics

Audits and strategic benchmarks

Accompanying the leaders

Identifying areas for expression

Coaching, media training and public speaking training

Thought leadership

Writing (forums, speeches...)

Personal image strategy

Content & Brand

Content strategy
(editorial platform, brand content, raison d'être, manifesto)

Brand strategy
(brand platform, graphic identity and logo, website)


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Public Affairs
(France/ Europe)

Legislative & political watch

Stakeholder Mapping

Arguments and notes

Coalition strategy and activation of circles of influence

Media Relations

Media strategy and plan

Meeting plan

Press office

Media monitoring and analysis


Financial communication

Equity Story©

Communication for financial transactions (M&A, IPOs, LBOs, fund-raising, strategic alliances, etc.)

Restructuring communication and turnaround

Fundraising and strategic partnership

Investor Relations

Reflection speakers

Event and content design

Design and organization of citizens' conferences


Creation and ad hoc management of think tanks

Digital communication

Presence strategy

Consulting and digital content

Influencer monitoring and activation

Community management

E protection/ reputation


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Crisis communication and judicial communication


Special situations (governance crisis, hostile operation, etc.)

Support in stakeholder management

Press office of crisis


Risk prevention and simulations

Risk mapping

Crisis management process

Crisis simulation

Cyber Simulation


On-call and emergency response

24h/24 - 7jrs/7
+ 33 6 25 01 43 39